Academic Calendar

HIST – History

HIST 100
Introduction to History
3 Credits          Weekly (3-0-0)

This course introduces students to the practice of history and the methods by which historians research and think about the past using selected topics in world history as a foundation for study. In learning about each topic, students are encouraged, through practical exercises and assessment strategies, to think historically and to acquire the essential research skills that underpin history as a discipline. Students consider the quality and authenticity of sources, the nature of historical causation, and the role of the historian in the evaluation and interpretation of evidence. Overall, this course is designed to hone students' critical faculties, interpretive skills, and writing abilities while stimulating their intellectual curiosity about the past.

HIST 101
Foundations of the Modern World before c.1500 C.E.
3 Credits          Weekly (3-0-0)

This course introduces students to what historians call the ‘modern’ world in the period between c.500 and 1500 C.E. The underlying theme of the course is that this period has seen an increasing interconnectedness between human societies, leading to the globalised world in which we live. Students study topics such as trade patterns, intellectual exchange, religious movements, health, wellness and the environment, state and empire building, war, conquest and diplomacy, and the spread of disease, goods and ideas. They learn to understand the processes that increased global interaction, both voluntary and forced, and spawned conflicts, both economic and political.

HIST 102
Foundations of the Modern World from 1500 C.E. to the Present
3 Credits          Weekly (3-0-0)

This course introduces students to what historians call the ‘modern’ world in the period from the sixteenth century to the present. The underlying theme of the course is that this period has seen an increasing interconnectedness between human societies, leading to the globalised world in which we live. Students study topics such as trade patterns, colonialism, imperial expansion and contraction, religious, artistic and intellectual change, the immense socio-economic transformation springing from industrialisation, and modern ideologies like liberalism, socialism, nationalism and racism. They learn to understand the processes that increased global interaction, both voluntary and forced, and spawned conflicts, both economic and political.

HIST 204
Judaism, Christianity, Islam
3 Credits          Weekly (3-0-0)

This course introduces students to the intertwined histories of three major world religions: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. These three traditions share several core assumptions about the identity of God and the relationship between divinity and humanity. At the same time, they have also developed in unique ways over the millennia, so that each tradition both differs from the others and contains rich diversity within itself. By focusing on cultural, intellectual, and political exchange across these traditions, this course prepares students to understand how such exchange continues to shape our world today.

HIST 205
Medieval Europe
3 Credits          Weekly (3-0-0)

This course introduces the student to the important events, developments and themes in medieval European history from Charlemagne to the Black Death. Discussion of social and political topics such as feudalism and manorialism, growth of legal systems, political theory and the rise of medieval states, the Crusades, medieval warfare, and the Holy Roman Empire are connected to cultural and intellectual themes related to Muslims in Iberia, urbanization, reform of the Catholic Church, and the rise of universities.

HIST 206
Early Medieval Britain Before 1066
3 Credits          Weekly (3-0-0)

This course examines the development of the distinct regions of the British Isles and Ireland before the eleventh century. Focusing on a period rich in mythology surrounding larger than life characters such as Boudica, King Arthur, St. Patrick, Offa of Mercia, Alfred the Great, Ivar the Boneless, and MacBeth and his wife, Gruoch, this course explores the historical context behind these figures by examining the political development of the British Isles and the foundation of the relationships forged between England, Scotland, Ireland and Wales.

HIST 207
Medieval Britain: The British Isles, 1066-1450
3 Credits          Weekly (3-0-0)

This course provides a history of the British Isles starting in the long twelfth century and culminating in the middle of the fifteenth century. This period in British history witnessed considerable social, political, cultural, and economic change punctuated by major epidemics, rebellions, and wars, as well as significant literary, artistic, and technological innovations. Students will explore these major events by examining the contexts in which they occurred and the impact they had on internal and domestic relations across the British Isles.

HIST 209
Early Modern European History
3 Credits          Weekly (3-0-0)

This course is a survey of European history from the Renaissance to Napoleon. Often seen as one of the most dynamic periods in European history, early modern Europe experienced rapid social, cultural, political and economic change that created new opportunities and challenges for every level of European society. In this course, students consider the evolving economy and society, the basic facts of life for the majority of Europe’s peoples. They learn how the religious and intellectual unity of western culture fragmented and dissolved under the impact of new ideas and examine the nature of politics, the rise and fall of empires and the emergence of nation states.

HIST 210
Modern Europe 1789 - Present
3 Credits          Weekly (3-0-0)

This course is a survey of European history from the French Revolution to the present. It considers both how modern Europe’s dramatic ascension impacted the wider world and how colonial developments reverberated on the continent. The course starts with the twin upheavals of the French and Industrial Revolutions; charts their political and socio-economic fallout in the form of new ideologies, nation-states, social classes and technologies; and shows how nationalist rivalries and a new form of racism fueled a scramble for colonies across the globe. It then analyses Europe’s self-destruction in two world wars and the Holocaust; the decolonization process; and the emergence of a continent divided by the Cold War until the collapse of the Soviet Union. It concludes with a discussion of the European Union’s future. Instructors may incorporate a diverse selection of sources—paintings, political pamphlets, memoirs, poetry, novels, music, and/or film—to highlight how the religious, national, class, racial and gender boundaries of modern Europe have changed over time.

HIST 211
Early Modern Britain: The British Isles, 1400-1750
3 Credits          Weekly (3-0-0)

This course introduces the student to a period in the history of the British Isles characterized by dynamic political, social, economic and cultural change. Between 1400 and 1750, England, Scotland, and to a lesser extent Wales and Ireland, underwent religious reform, witnessed the birth of the nation-state, saw their economic capacities expanded, and began to engage in colonial imperial activities. This course explores one of the most transformative periods in 'British' history.

HIST 212
History of Modern Britain: Industry, Democracy, Empire, 1750-present
3 Credits          Weekly (3-0-0)

Britain was a central actor in the social, economic, political, military, and cultural transformations of the modern world. By the nineteenth century, it projected unparalleled economic and political might. Following a brief review of the social, political and cultural inheritance of previous centuries, this course examines the path to democratic politics and liberal modernity; the social and economic transformations of the industrial revolution; the politics of class consciousness; and the electoral and social reforms of the Victorian era. With a global lens, the course traces the emergence of Britain as an Atlantic and global power; considers the impact of British imperial might on the rest of the world; and assesses the extent to which colonial encounters impacted British domestic society. Moving to the twentieth century, the course examines the impact of the world wars; the transition from a warfare to welfare state; the politics of decolonization and decline; European integration; and the causes and consequences of Brexit.

HIST 214
The Celtic Crescent before 1801
3 Credits          Weekly (3-0-0)

This course examines the development of the Celtic regions of the British Isles and Ireland prior to the creation of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland in 1801. Some historians have argued that it is in this period that the modern sense of Celtic identity has its roots. Important to this development is the fact that Ireland, Wales, and Scotland are often subsumed under the title “Celtic” and shared a common experience through their interactions with the English. Yet, most scholarship and popular culture portray the Celtic regions of Britain in an undifferentiated manner. This course explores the unique histories of the Celtic regions of the British Isles as well as their shared cultural links and experiences within the region. Topics may include: Roman Britain, King Arthur, the Celtic Church, Picts and Dalriada, the Vikings, Strong Bow in Ireland, Manx Kingship, Owain Glyndwr, Kin Networks, Celtic Identity, Art and Language, Plantation and Colonialism, Resistance, and Incorporation.

HIST 215
Modern France
3 Credits          Weekly (3-0-0)

This course situates developments in French literature, philosophy and art in the context of the nation’s tumultuous political history from the eighteenth century to the present day. It traces changing conceptions of class, nationality, gender, selfhood and aesthetics through the momentous cultural and political ruptures that have characterized life in France and its colonies since the great revolution of 1789.

HIST 250
American History to 1865
3 Credits          Weekly (3-0-0)

This course is a survey of American history to the Civil War. Beginning with the early colonial ventures in Virginia and New England, the course traces the development and expansion of the American federation through the War of Independence, the Mexican-American war, and the Civil War. The American political experiment with constitutional democracy and the development of the party system are examined. The course also identifies and examines important social issues including the treatment of Aboriginal people, slavery and the rights of women.

HIST 251
American History Since 1865
3 Credits          Weekly (3-0-0)

This course is a survey of American history since the Civil War.  Beginning with Reconstruction, this course traces the social, political, and economic transformation of America as it developed into a global superpower.  The industrial and consumer-based society forms the backdrop for the political, social, and geo-political changes: from populism and progressivism to the Reagan revolution, xenophobia to civil rights, isolationism to the Iraq War.

HIST 260
History of Canada to 1867
3 Credits          Weekly (3-0-0)

This course surveys Canadian history before 1867. Attention is given to both the French and English empires, the conflicts that occurred, and the social and political development of the colonies. Special consideration is given to the interactions between these imperial and colonial societies and Aboriginal people. The expansion of the European empires to the Pacific coast is also covered. The course concludes with the Confederation process in British North America.

HIST 261
History of Canada Since 1867
3 Credits          Weekly (3-0-0)

This course surveys Canadian history since 1867. It examines the people, forces and events that have shaped the history of this country, its society, its institutions and its identity. This course provides not only a foundation for further study in Canadian history but also the knowledge necessary for effective citizenship.

HIST 281
Asia Since A.D. 1500
3 Credits          Weekly (3-0-0)

This course is a survey of Asian history since 1500. The focus is on East Asia, including China and Japan, with complementary sections on Southeastern and Southern Asia. The emphasis is on the socio-cultural, economic, and political history of the region as well as relations with other countries and empires in the global community.

HIST 282
History of Modern Japan
3 Credits          Weekly (3-0-0)

This course presents a survey of modern Japanese history beginning with the Meiji Restoration in 1868. Focusing on the major political, social, economic, military, and diplomatic themes, Japan's evolution as a modern state will be examined. Major topics may include the birth of liberal democracy, imperialism and empire, militarism, the Pacific War, and Japan's postwar rise as an economic superpower.

HIST 291
Topics in Political and International History
3 Credits          Weekly (3-0-0)

This intermediate-level course surveys political and international world history with a focus on a particular conceptual topic. The topics are broad-based themes which have political or international consequences; the time period of study may vary from the late middle ages to the present. Examples of topics that might be covered are warfare, state formation and nation-building, the exercise of imperialism both formal and informal, global trade, or the development of political ideologies like liberalism, nationalism and socialism.

HIST 292
Women's History
3 Credits          Weekly (3-0-0)

This course focuses on the diverse experiences of women in the past, using an array of sources to contextualize their aspirations, struggles, and accomplishments. Lectures, readings, and discussions are designed to introduce the field’s key concepts and debates while focusing on a particular period and region selected by the instructor. The course highlights female agency in the face of various structural obstacles and cultural forces, while exploring how sex and gender intersect with other categories such as age, class, race, nationality, sexuality, and religion to shape women’s identities and day-to-day lives.

HIST 294
History of Science and Technology
3 Credits          Weekly (3-0-0)

This course surveys important themes, traditions, people and institutions of Western science, technology and medicine. It familiarizes students with an important aspect of European/Western culture and serves as an introduction to the history of science and technology. This course emphasizes how individuals and societies have understood and explained the natural world and their place in it, and how they have approached and justified the investigation of that world.

HIST 300
Making History: Theory and Methods in History
3 Credits          Weekly (2-0-1)

History is an academic discipline whose practitioners make a systematic study of the complexity, variety, and change of human ideas, behaviours, and actions across time. Historians gather, assess, analyze, and organize information to create knowledge about the past. This course examines the process of making history. It includes discussions about both the nature of historical evidence and the methods historians use. It also introduces students to basic questions and issues concerning the nature of our knowledge of the past.

Prerequisites: Minimum grade of C- in HIST 100 or 6 credits of senior HIST.

HIST 301
Topics in World History
3 Credits          Weekly (3-0-0)

This intermediate-level course examines world history through the in-depth study of a particular topic selected by the instructor. Examples of topics include, but are not limited to, the environment, international conflicts, the status of women, slavery, childhood, revolution, or pandemics. Students can take this course up to three times provided the topic is different.

Prerequisites: Minimum grade of C- in any 100- or 200-level HIST course.

HIST 304
History of Christianity
3 Credits          Weekly (3-0-0)

In this course, students explore the rich diversity of Christian perspectives that predominated from antiquity through the early modern period. Students work through seminal texts in the history of Christian thought and practice. By exploring more than just the works that were later declared orthodox, students learn about the many alternative Christianities that flourished in the past, ranging from the Gnostics of ancient Egypt to radical reformers leading peasant revolts in early modern Europe. Listening to these alternative voices, while also placing Christian history into intimate conversation with Judaism and Islam, allows students to engage with Christianity not as a closed book, but as an open conversation across the centuries.

Prerequisites: A minimum grade of C- in 3 credits of 200-level HIST courses.

HIST 306
Urban Europe: City and Society, 1450-1850
3 Credits          Weekly (3-0-0)

This intermediate-level course explores the European “City” as a major site for social, cultural, economic and political exchange and a site wherein urban actors identified with the multiple communities that formed within city limits. Central to the discussion of the European City is the impact that the national and international flow of ideas, culture, people, goods and capital had on urban centres across Europe over time. Topics include urban sights, sounds, and smells; street-corners and squares; community; built environments; gender and agency; occupation and social status; marginalization; demographic change; and urbanization.

Prerequisites: Minimum grade of C- in any 100- or 200-level HIST course.

HIST 308
Europe in the Age of Renaissance and Reformation
3 Credits          Weekly (3-0-0)

This intermediate-level course explores some of the major themes in the history of Europe from the late fourteenth to the early seventeenth century. Its focus is on cultural, intellectual, and religious history, including the rise of humanism, developments in education, arts and literature, the Protestant and Catholic Reformations, and philosophical and scientific innovations. This exploration of key moments in European history is set within the appropriate political and social contexts of these developments, including the emergence of the nation state, the rise of printing, significant demographic change, and the beginnings of European overseas empires.

Prerequisites: Minimum grade of C- in one of HIST 100, 101, 205, 209.

HIST 309
Crime and Society in Early Modern Europe
3 Credits          Weekly (3-0-0)

This intermediate-level course investigates some of the major themes in the social history of Early Modern Europe from the onset of the Black Death to the Enlightenment. Students focus on the shifts in social, political, economic, and cultural attitudes that ushered in new ideas on crime and regulation, poverty and social discipline. Lecture topics and assigned reading materials describe how these ideas affected the peoples of Western Europe and contributed to a variety of ways individuals and groups experienced inclusion and exclusion in their communities.

Prerequisites: Minimum grade of C-in any 200-level HIST course.

HIST 311
British Society, Politics, and Culture, 1450-1750
3 Credits          Weekly (3-0-0)

This intermediate level course examines the social history of Britain: the lives of its people, both grand and humble. We explore families, courtship and marriage, work and play, gender roles, religion and superstition, crime and punishment, class relations, local and regional identities, poverty and poor relief. Specific topics vary depending on the individual instructor.

Prerequisites: Minimum grade of C- in any 100-level or 200-level HIST course.

HIST 312
Scotland from MacBeth to the Union (1707)
3 Credits          Weekly (3-0-0)

This course investigates the important events, developments, and themes in Scottish history before Scotland united with England in 1707 to form Great Britain. The course explores Scotland's unique blend of Gaelic, English, and Norman traditions in the Middle Ages, its 'pure and trew' Reformation in the sixteenth century, and its attempt to stand independent in the face of English imperialism. The course emphasizes Scotland's political and social developments in the period while providing significant coverage to intellectual, religious, economic, and cultural themes.

Prerequisites: A minimum grade of C- in one of HIST 100, HIST 205, HIST 209, HIST 211, or HIST 214.

HIST 315
Enlightenment and Revolution in France
3 Credits          Weekly (3-0-0)

This course examines the intersection of ideas, institutions and events in France during the revolutionary era. Students are introduced to the art, literature, and philosophy of the French Enlightenment in the context of its key institutions, cultural venues, and figures. After identifying and analyzing the movement’s main currents and critics, students link Enlightenment critiques of absolutism and Old Regime society to both the outbreak of France’s great revolution in 1789 and its descent into Terror. The course concludes by analyzing the rise and fall of Napoleon Bonaparte and the birth of modern nationalism and total war.

Prerequisite: A minimum grade of C- in 3 credits of 200-level HIST courses.

HIST 338
Britain as a World Power
3 Credits          Weekly (3-0-0)

Britain held a position of world dominance from the eighteenth century until the world wars of the twentieth century. It acquired a worldwide empire, sometimes deliberately, but often haphazardly. Britain administered its empire in a variety of ways, sometimes indirectly through local rulers, sometimes quite directly. In this course, students examine Britain's rise as an imperial nation and its relations with other European nations, as well as the process of its decline both as an imperial and a European power.

Prerequisites: Minimum grade of C- in any 100-level or 200-level HIST course.

HIST 340
Diplomacy, War, and Conflict in the 20th Century
3 Credits          Weekly (3-0-0)

This intermediate-level course investigates the origins and consequences of the major military conflicts of the twentieth century. It covers the Great War, the Second World War and the Cold War, as well as the national wars of independence in Asia and Africa, the war for Jammu and Kashmir, the Arab-Israeli conflicts of the Middle East, the Vietnam War and the Gulf War.

Prerequisites: Minimum grade of C- in any 100- or 200-level HIST course.

HIST 341
Fascism in Europe 1918-1945
3 Credits          Weekly (3-0-0)

This intermediate level course investigates the phenomenon of fascism in inter-war Europe. The course starts from the premise that a generic fascism did exist, and can be defined, and that its origins and ideological components are traceable, not only to the general crisis following the First World War, but to social and political trends going back into the nineteenth century. The course also explicitly compares fascist movements, and the two fascist dictatorships of Italy and Germany, with the authoritarian regimes which become so prevalent in this period, highlighting both the essential differences between the two phenomena, and also the way in which authoritarianism occasionally borrowed fascist language and imagery. Specific attention is paid to Italian Fascism and German National Socialism, and to the native fascist movements of Eastern Europe.

Prerequisites: Minimum grade of C- in HIST 102 or HIST 112 or HIST 210 or HIST 340.

HIST 342
The Atlantic World
3 Credits          Weekly (3-0-0)

Contact among Africans, Europeans and the indigenous peoples of the Americas created an Atlantic World.  The Atlantic Ocean linked the nations and peoples living around its edges, beginning in the 15th century and continuing until the wars of independence and the end of the slave trade in the late 18th and early 19th centuries.  Slaves and slave-traders, soldiers, merchants, sailors, pirates, indentured servants, convicts, settlers, governors and administrators crossed the ocean to encounter a diverse array of New World peoples.  This course examines the lives of these people and the encounters, relationships, exchanges and clashes among these people in their Atlantic context.

Prerequisites: Minimum grade of C- in any 100-level or 200-level HIST course.

HIST 343
Genocide in the Modern World
3 Credits          Weekly (3-0-0)

This course evaluates the motives and circumstances of genocide in world history and uncovers the experiences of its victims. Students examine competing definitions of genocide and explanations for why it has occurred and how it has changed over the course of the past century. Further, they consider what genocide reveals about the logic of modern politics, racism and warfare. The course challenges students to pursue a comparative analysis of a range of case studies, and exposes them to a variety of sources, from memoirs and film to theoretical work, academic articles, and monographs.

Prerequisites: Minimum grade of C- in any 100- or 200-level HIST course.

HIST 345
3 Credits          Weekly (3-0-0)

This intermediate-level course examines nationalism as a theme in world history. It starts with an exploration of nationalism as a concept: its history, its terminology and some of the theories cited for its emergence. This course examines the scholarly debate as to how far back we can go in identifying nations, the connection between nationalism and literacy, and that between nationalism and socio-economic development. Relying largely on a consideration of nationalism in a European context, the course nevertheless considers extra-European manifestations, including Canadian, American, Indian and Japanese nationalism; it also considers the peculiar phenomenon of "state nationalism", as attempted in the Russian and Ottoman Empires, and what might be called "confessional nationalism", as typified by modern Islamism.

Prerequisites: Minimum grade of C- in any 100-level HIST course.

HIST 352
The U.S. in World Affairs
3 Credits          Weekly (3-0-0)

This course examines the history of American foreign policy during the 20th century providing insight into the process of foreign policy decision making, as well as the ramifications U.S. foreign policy has on nations around the world. Major topics include expansionism, "Big Stick" diplomacy, Wilsonianism, entry into wars, relations with Latin America and the Middle East, as well as the origins, culture, and effect of the events of the Cold War.

Prerequisites: Minimum grade of C- in any 100 or 200 level HIST course.

HIST 361
Canadian Political History
3 Credits          Weekly (3-0-0)

This course examines the political history of Canada since Confederation. Although the federal political system is the central focus of the course, provincial political developments of national importance are not ignored. Among the topics discussed in this course are the Pacific scandal, the Manitoba school question, women’s suffrage, the Progressive party and the Maritime Rights movement, the politics of unemployment the rise of Social Credit in Alberta, the formation of the CCF and NDP, Medicare, the Quiet Revolution, the Constitution Debates, and the Meech Lake Accord.

Prerequisites: Minimum grade of C- in any 100 level or 200 level HIST course.

HIST 362
History of Alberta
3 Credits          Weekly (3-0-0)

Alberta occupies a distinct space in the Canadian federation. Created by an act of the federal government in 1905, the province was originally settled by immigrants from Europe who sought opportunities in agriculture and mining. The rural province was transformed by the depression and the discovery of oil and gas. Today it is an urban province that attracts immigrants from around the globe. It also has a distinct political culture. The province has been governed by a series of political dynasties from the Liberals to UFA to Social Credit to the Conservatives. Each of these political dynasties had a tendentious relationship with the federal government and the province's electors have consistently supported political parties that emphasized a decentralized federal regime. This course examines these changes in economic, social, and political conditions to help us better understand Alberta today.

Prerequisites: A minimum grade of C- in any 100- or 200- level HIST course.

HIST 364
Topics in Western Canadian History
3 Credits          Weekly (3-0-0)

This intermediate-level course examines a selected topic in western Canadian history in depth. The topic in any given year is determined by the instructor. Examples of topics include, but are not limited to, broad-based themes like fur trade colonialism, prairie populism, gender and settlement, nativism and racism, and western Canadian alienation or more focused topics such as the making of treaties with the Indigenous people, the colonization of Vancouver Island, the Métis and the Red River settlement, or the history of the oil and gas industry. Students can complete this course up to two times provided the topic is different.

Prerequisites: A minimum grade of C- in any 100- or 200- level HIST.

HIST 366
The Canadian West
3 Credits          Weekly (3-0-0)

This course examines the history of the Canadian West. Social, political and economic developments in this region continue to play a central role in Canada's development. Topics include the experiences of Indigenous people, the region's leadership in social policy related to immigration, women's suffrage and Medicare; the resource-based economy of furs, wheat, timber, mining and oil; and the distinctive political culture and alternative political parties that have emerged in the Canadian West including the Progressives, CCF, Social Credit, and Reform.

Prerequisites: A minimum grade of C- in any 100- or 200-level history course.

HIST 367
Canada in World Affairs
3 Credits          Weekly (3-0-0)

This course examines Canada's diplomatic, military, economic and political role in world affairs. Canada's relationship with the British Empire and the United States receives special emphasis. Attention is also given to the affect of international affairs on domestic social and political issues.

Prerequisites: A minimum grade of C- in any 100- or 200-level HIST course.

HIST 369
First Nations and Canada
3 Credits          Weekly (3-0-0)

This intermediate level course examines Canada’s relationship with First Nations from the 1830s to the present. The focus is on the interplay between the aspirations of First Nations, Aboriginal rights, constitutional law, economic and social changes, and the development of government policy. Special attention is paid to the consequences of the policy development for Aboriginal societies and culture.

Prerequisites: A minimum grade of C- in HIST 260 or HIST 261.

HIST 395
Oral History
3 Credits          Weekly (3-0-0)

Predating the written word, oral history is among the oldest forms of historical inquiry, and the ability to gather, preserve, and interpret the voices and memories of the past is currently undergoing a renaissance thanks to digital technology. This course introduces students to the best practices of oral history, provides a foundational understanding of the theory about memory, narrative, and researcher-narrator relationships, and allows students to actively participate in recording stories of the past. Students from other disciplines are welcome to enroll in this course, but will need to get permission of the department.

Prerequisites: A minimum grade of C- in any 100- or 200-level HIST course, or permission of the department.

HIST 397
Public History
3 Credits          Weekly (3-0-0)

Public history is a branch of historical work that involves presenting history to the public or working with the public to conduct research and interpret the past. This course introduces students to some of the theories about public history and some of the issues in the field, including ideas about memory and representation, heritage and history, and preservation and interpretation. It examines common sources for public history, including material culture, archives, and oral interviews. It also explores some of the opportunities available in the field of public history.

Prerequisites: Minimum grade of C- in any 100 or 200 level HIST course.

HIST 398
Independent Study
3 Credits          Total (0-0-45)

This course permits an intermediate-level student to work with an instructor to explore a specific topic in depth through research or directed reading in primary and secondary sources. The student plans, executes and reports the results of their independent research or study project under the direction of a faculty supervisor. To be granted enrollment in the course, the student must have made prior arrangements with a faculty member willing to supervise his or her project. This course can be taken twice for credit.

HIST 400
Senior Thesis
3 Credits          Total (0-0-45)

In this individual study course, students write a major essay and make a conference-style presentation on a specific topic of their choice. This course is open only to History Majors. Students desiring HIST 400 must consult with the History Coordinator to select a primary and secondary supervisor. Note: Students may receive credit for only one of HIST 400 and HIST 401.

Prerequisites: Consent of the Department.

HIST 410
Topics in European History
3 Credits          Weekly (0-0-3)

In this seminar-based course, students discuss, criticise and analyse readings on a selected topic in European history. They also prepare a major research paper on an issue related to one or more of the seminar topics. Students can take this course up to three times provided the topic is different.

Prerequisites: Minimum grades of C- in 9 credits of 200- or 300-level HIST, including one of HIST 205, HIST 209, or HIST 210.

HIST 411
Topics in Medieval and Early Modern British History
3 Credits          Weekly (0-0-3)

In this seminar-based course, students discuss, criticize and analyze readings on a selected topic in medieval and early modern British history. They also prepare a major research paper on a subject related to the course topic. The topic in any given year is selected by the instructor.

Prerequisites: Minimum grades of C- in 9 credits of 200- or 300-level HIST, including at least 3 credits from HIST 206, HIST 211, or HIST 311.

HIST 442
Topics in Imperialism and Colonialism
3 Credits          Weekly (0-0-3)

In this seminar-based course, students discuss, criticise and analyse readings on a selected topic related to imperialism and/or colonialism. They also prepare a major research paper on an issue related to one or more of the seminar topics. The topic in any given year is selected by the instructor.

Prerequisites: Minimum grade of C- in 9 credits of 200- or 300-level HIST courses.

HIST 460
Topics in Canadian History
3 Credits          Weekly (0-0-3)

In this seminar, students discuss, critique and analyse readings on a selected topic in Canadian history. They also prepare a major research paper related to the seminar topic. The topic in any given year is selected by the instructor.

Prerequisites: Minimum grades of C- in 9 credits of 200- or 300-level HIST courses including either HIST 260 or HIST 261.

HIST 476
Topics in the History of Religion
3 Credits          Weekly (0-0-3)

In this seminar, students discuss, critique, and analyse readings on a selected topic in the history of premodern religion. They also prepare a major research paper on an issue related to the seminar topic. The topic in any given year is selected by the instructor, but is typically drawn from the traditions of Judaism, Christianity, or Islam.

Prerequisites: Minimum grades of C- in 9 credits of 200- or 300-level HIST, including at least 3 credits from HIST 204, HIST 205, HIST 304, or HIST 308.

HIST 490
Topics in Social History
3 Credits          Weekly (0-0-3)

In this seminar, students discuss, critique, and analyse readings on a selected topic in Social History. They also prepare a major research paper on an issue related to the seminar topic. The topic in any given year is selected by the instructor.

Prerequisites: Minimum grades of C- in 9 credits of 200- or 300-level HIST courses.

HIST 491
Topics in International History
3 Credits          Weekly (0-0-3)

In this seminar, students discuss, critique and analyse readings on a selected topic related to international history. They also prepare a major research paper related to the seminar topic. The topic in any given section is selected by the instructor. Students can take this course up to three times provided the topic is different.

Prerequisites: Minimum grades of C- in 9 credits of 200- or 300 level HIST courses.

HIST 498
Advanced Independent Study
3 Credits          Total (0-0-45)

This course permits senior-level students to work with an instructor to explore a specific topic in depth through research or directed reading in primary and secondary sources. The student plans, executes and reports the results of their independent research or study project under the direction of a faculty supervisor. To be granted enrollment in the course, the student must have made prior arrangements with a faculty member willing to supervise his or her project. This course can be taken twice for credit.

HIST 499
Field Placement
3 Credits          Total (45-0-90)

In this course, students are assigned to public history, community, and/or heritage organizations where they apply their knowledge and skills in supervised projects.

Prerequisites: A minimum grade of C- in either HIST 300 or HIST 397 and consent of the department.