Academic Calendar

Addenda and Errata

Date Addenda/Errata Description Old Info
20241106 Digital Experience Design Major Major Requirements - added a sentence to explain the credits required.
20241106 Bachelor of Design Overview - Technology Requirements updated.
20241106 Journalism Minor for Bachelor of Communication Studies Overview text added.
20241106 Professional Communication Minor for Bachelor of Communication Studies Overview text added.
20241106 Journalism Major for Bachelor of Communication Studies INTA and INTD added to Fine Arts breadth requirements and INTD to Social Sciences breadth requirements under Major Requirements. Removed BCSC 211
(inactive) from the Journalism Major option course list.
20241106 Professional Communication Major for Bachelor of Communication Studies INTA and INTD added to Fine Arts breadth requirements and INTD to Social Sciences breadth requirements under Major Requirements.
20241106 Studio Arts Major - Bachelor of Fine Arts Major Requirements - Course Substitutions - ARTE 230 replaced ARTE 219 as a substitution for ARTE 240.
20241106 BCSC 327 Update of Prerequisites to: Minimum grade of C- in BCSC 210.
20241106 BCSC 385 Update of Prerequisites to: Minimum grade of C- in BCSC 210 and BCSC 322.
20241106 BCSC 422 Update of Prerequisites to: Minimum grade of C- in BCSC 210 and BCSC 322.
20241106 BCSC 423 Update of Prerequisites to: Minimum grade of C- in BCSC 210 and BCSC 322.
20241106 BCSC 424 Update of Prerequisites to: Minimum grade of C- in BCSC 210 and BCSC 322.
20241106 BCSC 425 Update of Prerequisites to: Minimum grade of C- in BCSC 210 and BCSC 322.
20241106 BCSC 499 Update of Prerequisites to: Minimum grade of C- in BCSC 210 and BCSC 322.
20241106 INFM 209 Removed INFM 210 as a prerequisite due to change in term offered and relevance.
20241106 Bachelor of Psychiatric Nursing Program Regulations - English Course Requirement - Removed ENGL as a prereq for Year 2 - the course is offered in Year 2 Term 1 and the statement is incorrect.
20241106 Bachelor of Psychiatric Nursing Program Regulations - Progression of Studies - added PNRS reference under course currency.
20241106 Investigative Studies Student Plan - PSJS 222 swapped terms with PSSC 293 due to burden on fitness facility. Previous Student Plan
20241106 Community Justice and Corrections Student Plan - Swapped the scheduling of PSJS 222 with PSYC 104 or 105 to offer the lab in the fall due to burden on fitness facility. Previous Student Plan
20241106 Department of Public Safety and Justice Studies Reorganization of the Faculty listing and update of names. Previous Faculty Listing
20241106 FREN 297 Removed lab component.
20241106 FREN 298 Removed Lab Component.
20250226 Bridge to Canadian Nursing Admissions Requirements - Removed "from an eligible country".
20250226 Bachelor of Science in Nursing Admission Criteria - removed Spoken English Proficiency section.
20250226 CHEM 496 Changed the prerequisites from a B- to C-, updated course title and increased the instructional hours to allow for a weekly one-hour seminar (new).
20250226 ENVS 200 New Course added.
20250226 FNCE 301 Prerequisites updated to include ECON 101 for BA/BSc students.
20250226 HLST 160 New Course added.
20250226 PNRS 152 Course Contact Hours updated.
20250226 PSYC 439 Increased Instructional Hours to align with other field placement courses.
20250226 URBW 289 Changed the course number (from URBW 389) and description to improve access to the course.
20250226 URBW 497 Updated Prerequisites: A minimum grade of C- in URBW 289 or permission of the Department
20250226 Environmental Sciences Minor Replaced ENVS 300 with ENVS 200 (new) in Program of Study to facilitate movement into the program. Removed cross-listed courses CHEM 320 and CHEM 322. Added EASC 321, EASC 326, and ENVS 300 to the list of program electives.
20250226 Bachelor of Science in Nursing Program Requirements: Footnotes updated for courses to indicate C- requirement.
Program Regulations: Course load maximums changed to Credit load maximums, Elective and Statistics Course Requirements updated, Progression of Studies updated, Regulations Specific to Clinical Courses updated (F to NCR).
20250226 Bachelor of Psychiatric Nursing Program Requirements: Footnotes updated for courses to indicate C- requirement.
Program Regulations: Elective and Statistics Course Requirements updated, Progression of Studies updated, Regulations Governing Clinical Courses updated (F to NCR).
20250226 Psychiatric Nursing Diploma Program Requirements: Footnotes updated for courses to indicate C- requirement.
Program Regulations: Elective and Statistics Course Requirements updated, Progression of Studies updated, Regulations Governing Clinical Courses updated (F to NCR).
20250226 Bridge to Canadian Nursing Program Regulations: Professional Conduct updated.
20250226 HSAD 459 Instructional and Contact Hours updated.
20250226 HSAD 499 Instructional and Contact Hours updated.
20250226 CYCW 205 Updated prerequisites to: CYCW 115 or a current BA or BSc student with a minimum grade of C- in an ANTH, POLS, PSYC, or SOCI course and second-year standing.
20250226 ECCS 260 Updated prerequisites to: ECCS 180 or a current BA or BSc student with a minimum grade of C- in an ANTH, POLS, PSYC, or SOCI course and second-year standing.
20250226 ECCS 310 Updated prerequisites to: ECCS 250 or a current BA or BSc student with a minimum grade of C- in an ANTH, POLS, PSYC, or SOCI course and second-year standing.
20250226 ECCS 355 Updated prerequisites to: ECCS 255 or a current BA or BSc student with a minimum grade of C- in an ANTH, POLS, PSYC, or SOCI course and second-year standing.
20250226 ECCS 360 Updated prerequisites to: ECCS 260 or a current BA or BSc student with a minimum grade of C- in an ANTH, POLS, PSYC, or SOCI course and second-year standing.
20250226 ECCS 425 Updated prerequisites to: ECCS 360 and INTD 250 or a current BA or BSc student with a minimum grade of C- in an ANTH, POLS, PSYC, or SOCI course and second-year standing.
20250226 ECCS 440 Updated prerequisites to: ECCS 415 or a current BA or BSc student with a minimum grade of C- in an ANTH, POLS, PSYC, or SOCI course and second-year standing.
20250226 PSSC 212 Removed equivalency with PSJS 222.
20250226 PSSC 222 Added equivalency with PSJS 222.
20250226 PSJS 222 Changed equivalency from PSSC 212 to PSSC 222.

This page will provide an inventory of additions and corrections to this calendar made after the initial publication date.