Addenda and Errata
Date | Addenda/Errata | Description | Old Info |
20241106 | Digital Experience Design Major | Major Requirements - added a sentence to explain the credits required. | |
20241106 | Bachelor of Design | Overview - Technology Requirements updated. | |
20241106 | Journalism Minor for Bachelor of Communication Studies | Overview text added. | |
20241106 | Professional Communication Minor for Bachelor of Communication Studies | Overview text added. | |
20241106 | Journalism Major for Bachelor of Communication Studies | INTA and INTD added to Fine Arts breadth requirements and INTD to Social Sciences breadth requirements under Major Requirements. Removed BCSC 211 (inactive) from the Journalism Major option course list. |
20241106 | Professional Communication Major for Bachelor of Communication Studies | INTA and INTD added to Fine Arts breadth requirements and INTD to Social Sciences breadth requirements under Major Requirements. | |
20241106 | Studio Arts Major - Bachelor of Fine Arts | Major Requirements - Course Substitutions - ARTE 230 replaced ARTE 219 as a substitution for ARTE 240. | |
20241106 | BCSC 327 | Update of Prerequisites to: Minimum grade of C- in BCSC 210. | |
20241106 | BCSC 385 | Update of Prerequisites to: Minimum grade of C- in BCSC 210 and BCSC 322. | |
20241106 | BCSC 422 | Update of Prerequisites to: Minimum grade of C- in BCSC 210 and BCSC 322. | |
20241106 | BCSC 423 | Update of Prerequisites to: Minimum grade of C- in BCSC 210 and BCSC 322. | |
20241106 | BCSC 424 | Update of Prerequisites to: Minimum grade of C- in BCSC 210 and BCSC 322. | |
20241106 | BCSC 425 | Update of Prerequisites to: Minimum grade of C- in BCSC 210 and BCSC 322. | |
20241106 | BCSC 499 | Update of Prerequisites to: Minimum grade of C- in BCSC 210 and BCSC 322. | |
20241106 | INFM 209 | Removed INFM 210 as a prerequisite due to change in term offered and relevance. | |
20241106 | Bachelor of Psychiatric Nursing | Program Regulations - English Course Requirement - Removed ENGL as a prereq for Year 2 - the course is offered in Year 2 Term 1 and the statement is incorrect. | |
20241106 | Bachelor of Psychiatric Nursing | Program Regulations - Progression of Studies - added PNRS reference under course currency. | |
20241106 | Investigative Studies | Student Plan - PSJS 222 swapped terms with PSSC 293 due to burden on fitness facility. | Previous Student Plan |
20241106 | Community Justice and Corrections | Student Plan - Swapped the scheduling of PSJS 222 with PSYC 104 or 105 to offer the lab in the fall due to burden on fitness facility. | Previous Student Plan |
20241106 | Department of Public Safety and Justice Studies | Reorganization of the Faculty listing and update of names. | Previous Faculty Listing |
20241106 | FREN 297 | Removed lab component. | |
20241106 | FREN 298 | Removed Lab Component. | |
20250226 | Bridge to Canadian Nursing | Admissions Requirements - Removed "from an eligible country". | |
20250226 | Bachelor of Science in Nursing | Admission Criteria - removed Spoken English Proficiency section. | |
20250226 | CHEM 496 | Changed the prerequisites from a B- to C-, updated course title and increased the instructional hours to allow for a weekly one-hour seminar (new). | |
20250226 | ENVS 200 | New Course added. | |
20250226 | FNCE 301 | Prerequisites updated to include ECON 101 for BA/BSc students. | |
20250226 | HLST 160 | New Course added. | |
20250226 | PNRS 152 | Course Contact Hours updated. | |
20250226 | PSYC 439 | Increased Instructional Hours to align with other field placement courses. | |
20250226 | URBW 289 | Changed the course number (from URBW 389) and description to improve access to the course. | |
20250226 | URBW 497 | Updated Prerequisites: A minimum grade of C- in URBW 289 or permission of the Department | |
20250226 | Environmental Sciences Minor | Replaced ENVS 300 with ENVS 200 (new) in Program of Study to facilitate movement into the program. Removed cross-listed courses CHEM 320 and CHEM 322. Added EASC 321, EASC 326, and ENVS 300 to the list of program electives. | |
20250226 | Bachelor of Science in Nursing | Program Requirements: Footnotes updated for courses to indicate C- requirement. Program Regulations: Course load maximums changed to Credit load maximums, Elective and Statistics Course Requirements updated, Progression of Studies updated, Regulations Specific to Clinical Courses updated (F to NCR). |
20250226 | Bachelor of Psychiatric Nursing | Program Requirements: Footnotes updated for courses to indicate C- requirement. Program Regulations: Elective and Statistics Course Requirements updated, Progression of Studies updated, Regulations Governing Clinical Courses updated (F to NCR). |
20250226 | Psychiatric Nursing Diploma | Program Requirements: Footnotes updated for courses to indicate C- requirement. Program Regulations: Elective and Statistics Course Requirements updated, Progression of Studies updated, Regulations Governing Clinical Courses updated (F to NCR). |
20250226 | Bridge to Canadian Nursing | Program Regulations: Professional Conduct updated. | |
20250226 | HSAD 459 | Instructional and Contact Hours updated. | |
20250226 | HSAD 499 | Instructional and Contact Hours updated. | |
20250226 | CYCW 205 | Updated prerequisites to: CYCW 115 or a current BA or BSc student with a minimum grade of C- in an ANTH, POLS, PSYC, or SOCI course and second-year standing. | |
20250226 | ECCS 260 | Updated prerequisites to: ECCS 180 or a current BA or BSc student with a minimum grade of C- in an ANTH, POLS, PSYC, or SOCI course and second-year standing. | |
20250226 | ECCS 310 | Updated prerequisites to: ECCS 250 or a current BA or BSc student with a minimum grade of C- in an ANTH, POLS, PSYC, or SOCI course and second-year standing. | |
20250226 | ECCS 355 | Updated prerequisites to: ECCS 255 or a current BA or BSc student with a minimum grade of C- in an ANTH, POLS, PSYC, or SOCI course and second-year standing. | |
20250226 | ECCS 360 | Updated prerequisites to: ECCS 260 or a current BA or BSc student with a minimum grade of C- in an ANTH, POLS, PSYC, or SOCI course and second-year standing. | |
20250226 | ECCS 425 | Updated prerequisites to: ECCS 360 and INTD 250 or a current BA or BSc student with a minimum grade of C- in an ANTH, POLS, PSYC, or SOCI course and second-year standing. | |
20250226 | ECCS 440 | Updated prerequisites to: ECCS 415 or a current BA or BSc student with a minimum grade of C- in an ANTH, POLS, PSYC, or SOCI course and second-year standing. | |
20250226 | PSSC 212 | Removed equivalency with PSJS 222. | |
20250226 | PSSC 222 | Added equivalency with PSJS 222. | |
20250226 | PSJS 222 | Changed equivalency from PSSC 212 to PSSC 222. |
This page will provide an inventory of additions and corrections to this calendar made after the initial publication date.