Academic Calendar

Nursing - Bachelor of Science in Nursing


Faculty of Nursing

Consistent with the philosophy of Dr. J.W. Grant MacEwan, MacEwan University’s Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BScN) program holds the values of respect, compassion, leadership, scholarship and accountability. The BScN program is designed to prepare graduates who are committed to excellence in professional practice and who contribute to the health and well-being of individuals, families, communities and society. Throughout the program students acquire knowledge, skills and attributes to ready themselves for safe, compassionate, evidence-informed, competent and ethical nursing practice.

MacEwan University’s BScN program is a rigorous, four-year program designed to introduce, expand and sequentially integrate knowledge, concepts and theories. Our approach to learning promotes the retention and application of in-depth knowledge and diverse skills. The program is delivered through contextual and experiential learning in classroom, laboratory and practice settings. Theoretical knowledge is attained from the disciplines of nursing, arts, sciences and humanities. Knowledge and competencies for nursing research, education and leadership roles are encompassed within the program. BScN graduates are eligible to write the NCLEX – RN.

Career Potential

The profession of registered nursing offers a highly challenging and deeply rewarding career for dedicated individuals. Registered nurses play a vital role within complex and changing health systems. MacEwan University’s BScN graduates attain knowledge, skills, and other professional attributes to practice in diverse settings including tertiary, community and continuing care.

Contact Information


Program Requirements

HLSC 120Human Anatomy 13
HLSC 124Microbiology for Health Professionals 13
HLSC 126Human Physiology I 13
HLSC 128Human Physiology II 13
HLST 152Foundations in Health 13
HLST 154Professional Communication 13
NURS 170The Discipline of Nursing 14
NURS 175Nursing Practice Foundations 15
PSYC 104Introductory Psychology I 13
PSYC 105Introductory Psychology II 13
University Level English 1,23
HLSC 220Pharmacotherapeutics for Health Professionals 13
HLSC 222Pathophysiology Across the Lifespan 13
NURS 252Health Assessment Across the Lifespan 14
NURS 270Nursing Care Across the Lifespan 14
NURS 272Mental Health Nursing 13
NURS 275Nursing Practice I Across the Lifespan 15
NURS 277Nursing Practice II Across the Lifespan 15
NURS 279Nursing Practice Mental Health Nursing 15
100 or 200 level University level Statistics course 13
HLST 354Healthy Populations 13
NURS 344Fundamentals of Nursing Research 13
NURS 370Nursing Care of the Acutely Ill Across the Lifespan 14
NURS 372Nursing Care of Families with Young Children 14
NURS 375Nursing Practice: Nursing Care of Acutely Ill Across the Lifespan 15
NURS 377Nursing Practice: Nursing in the Community 15
NURS 379Nursing Practice: Nursing Care of Families throughout Childhood 15
Open Elective - University Level Elective 13
NURS 472Leadership in Nursing 13
NURS 474Future Directions in Nursing 13
NURS 479Nursing Practice: Professional Roles Influencing Care 15
NURS 489Nursing Practice: Preceptorship 19
PHIL 386Philosophy and Health Care 13
Senior Elective 13
Senior Nursing Elective 13
Total Credits132

The minimum passing grade for this course is a C-.


Excluding ENGL 111

The minimum passing grade for a course at MacEwan University is a D unless otherwise noted next to the appropriate course in the program of study.

Course Substitutions

Credit Earned in: May Be Substituted for Credit in Program Course:
HLSC 122 HLSC 126 & HLSC 128
HLST 159 HLST 152
NURS 105 HLSC 120
NURS 108 HLSC 126 & HLSC 128
NURS 118 & NURS 228 HLSC 126 & HLSC 128
PEDS 100 HLSC 120
PEDS 101 HLSC 126
PEDS 102 HLSC 126 & HLSC 128
PEDS 103 HLSC 128
PHSL 162 HLSC 126 & HLSC 128

Program Regulations

Program Time Limit - Exemption

A student in the Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree has six years from the first day of the term of acceptance to complete all requirements to be eligible for a credential (Program Time Limits policy).

Students are strongly encouraged to seek advice from a faculty or university advisor about program planning for completing degree requirements at MacEwan University.

English Requirement

A three-credit university-level English course at the 100, 200, 300, or 400 level is required as a prerequisite for Year 2; completion of ENGL 102 is recommended. ENGL 111, Communications, cannot be used to meet the English course requirement for the BScN.

Elective and Philosophy Requirements 

The Open Elective, Senior Elective, Senior NURS Elective and PHIL 386 are required as prerequisites for program completion. The Open Elective (100 to 400 level) and Senior Elective (200 to 400 level) are university-level theory courses excluding subject code NURS that extend knowledge within an area of interest. The Open Elective may also be chosen to satisfy a prerequisite requirement for a senior elective. The Senior Nursing Elective is a 300 or 400 university-level NURS course that extends nursing knowledge in an area of interest. Students are encouraged to complete these courses in advance of the final program term, thus avoiding a potential delay in fulfilling graduation requirements.

Progression of Studies 

Course registration is required for attendance in all program courses. Students who have had a break in the continuity of their program may have additional course requirements to establish course currency.

Program regulations also require all transfer credit(s) meet currency requirements. To be considered for credit all NURS and HLST equivalent courses must have been completed within the five years immediately preceding a student’s program start date. All other courses being considered for transfer credit must be completed within the 10 years immediately preceding a student’s program start date. The decision to award transfer credit rests with the program and cannot be appealed.

Students are responsible for ensuring they meet the prerequisite and/or co-requisite requirements as noted on program courses. In accordance with the Academic Standing policy, a student who fails to complete a prerequisite course designated as being required for progression in the program (or for program completion) may be Required to Withdraw from the program.

Professional Conduct 

Students must adhere to the current Canadian Nurses Association Code of Ethics, Competencies for the Practice of Registered Nurses (RNs) in Alberta and confidentiality agreements signed with MacEwan University and clinical placement/other agencies.

Regulations Governing Clinical Courses 

Students must achieve satisfactory performance in all clinical courses in accordance with the course/clinical criteria and outcomes. Clinical course hours may include days, evenings, nights and weekends. Students are to arrange their own transportation for required program activities and any costs incurred for meals, travel and accommodation are the student’s responsibility. Students will require daily access to a vehicle for any practice experience not accessible through public transportation. Required nursing practice placements will generally be within a 150 kilometer radius of the program site.

Students cannot be in attendance at clinical agencies as a MacEwan University nursing student except at times and locations authorized by the clinical course instructor for the course in which the student is currently enrolled. Students must comply with the Work Integrated Learning policy regarding clinical and/or nursing practice placements.

Students must have completed all prerequisite courses as well as all program and agency pre-clinical requirements prior to the start of any clinical course. In accordance with the Work Integrated Learning policy, the University reserves the right, at any point during the clinical placement, to remove a student from the clinical placement for serious performance issues (i.e., engaging in behaviour that places the client and/or others at risk or that is contrary to the professional or safety requirements of the placement). In such cases the Chair, through consultation with the Dean, may assign a grade of F in the course.  

Police Information Check

A current, clear Police Information Check (PIC) that includes a Vulnerable Sector Search is required for program admission. This check must be completed no earlier than 90 days prior to the program start date and submitted no later than the published document deadline. Having a pardon in progress does not meet the admission requirement for a clear PIC.

Students are responsible for obtaining a PIC at intervals specified by clinical agencies and for making these available, upon request, to their clinical agency representative. Students may also be required to obtain child welfare checks for some clinical placements. Students must be able to satisfy agency requirements prior to the start of clinical placements. Students whose PIC status changes following program admission must self-report this change in status; this may compromise their ability to complete the program requirements as they may be denied required clinical placements and, therefore, be unable to meet graduation requirements. 

Program Standards

Students admitted to this program are presumed to be capable of fulfilling the academic requirements of their program with, if applicable, provision of reasonable accommodation. The reasonable accommodation of students with disabilities shall not require the University to lower its standards, academic or otherwise, nor shall it relieve a student of the responsibility to develop and demonstrate the essential skills and competencies expected of all students pursuing this program (Students with Disabilities policy).

Students require the requisite skills and abilities necessary for entry to practice as Registered Nurses (RNs) in Alberta, as outlined by the College of Registered Nurses of Alberta (CRNA) . All students must meet the physical and mental health attributes that will support success in a registered nursing education program.  Students must participate in clinical practice courses requiring performance of physically and mentally challenging activities that may include cognitive, behavioural, communication, interpersonal, physical, sensory perceptual, and environmental requirements.

Immunization Status

Program students may be required to care for patients/clients who have infectious diseases such as Hepatitis B or other blood-borne pathogens. Students must meet agency requirements for immunizations prior to the start of all clinical or practice placement courses. Current immunization against specified communicable diseases is required as a prerequisite for practice placements and thus for continued enrolment in the program.

N95 Mask

Program students must be fitted for an N95 mask as a prerequisite for clinical experiences, and refitted in accordance with health agency requirements. It is the responsibility of the student to meet the required timelines for mask fitting.

Basic Life Support Certification

A BLS provider (CPR) card from the Heart and Stroke Foundation is required prior to the start of the clinical placement in the first year of the program. The BLS provider portion (CPR component) must be updated every 12 months throughout the program prior to starting any clinical placement. No grace period is provided.

Agency-Specific Certifications

Program students may be required to complete additional agency-specific certifications as a prerequisite for clinical experiences.


Program Learning Outcomes

The MacEwan Bachelor of Science in Nursing program prepares graduates with in-depth knowledge and a diversity of skills and attributes for the domain of clinical practice, with foundational knowledge and skills for future transition into the domains of administration, education, and research.

Upon completion of the Bachelor of Science in Nursing program, graduates will:

1. Create caring and compassionate relationships within differing social, cultural, economic, and political contexts.

2. Appraise and synthesize theories, knowledge, and relevant evidence using a diverse range of skills to assess, plan, implement, coordinate, facilitate, and evaluate nursing care.

3. Create an environment that facilitates effective communication and dissemination of knowledge among a variety of clients, peers, faculty, and interprofessional/intersectoral members within diverse contexts.

4. Evaluate the influence of complex and dynamic factors related to the delivery and provision of health services.

5. Implement actions to promote health, prevent illness/injury, restore health, and support end-of-life care.

6. Integrate a collaborative plan of care based on critical evaluation of relevant evidence.

7. Support research activities towards life-long learning and practice improvement.

8. Evaluate social, political, and economic processes to advocate for sustainable healthcare system improvements based on best practices.

9. Demonstrate accountability, responsibility, critical inquiry, and a commitment to lifelong learning.

10. Advocate for safe, ethical practice environments using quality improvement principles, best practice and professional standards, and BScN Program Guidelines for Year 4 students.

Admission Requirements

Through a competitive admission process, applicants may be admitted to one of the following:

Regular Admission

To be evaluated through the Office of the University Registrar

Applicants must have a minimum overall average of 65 percent, with no course grade lower than 50 percent, in the following high school courses:

  1. ELA 30-1
  2. Biology 30
  3. Chemistry 30 or Science 30
  4. Mathematics 30-1, Mathematics 30-2 or Mathematics 31
  5. One Group A, B, C or D course


  • A maximum of one Group D subject may be presented. Group D subjects used for admission must be 5-credit or any credit combination of at least 5 credits (e.g., two 3-credit subjects).

Applicants with nine to 23 university-level credits must also present a minimum Admission Grade Point Average (AGPA) of 2.0 on a 4.0 scale. Applicants with 24 or more university-level credits will be considered under Previous Post-Secondary Work.

Mature Admission

To be evaluated through the Office of the University Registrar

Applicants must be 20 years of age or older and have been out of full-time high school at least one year by the beginning of the intake term. Applicants must have a minimum overall average of 65 percent, with no course grade lower than 50 percent, in the following high school courses:

  1. ELA 30-1
  2. Biology 30
  3. Chemistry 30 or Science 30
  4. Mathematics 30-1, Mathematics 30-2 or Mathematics 31


  • For Mature Admission only, another Group C course grade could be used to replace the Mathematics 30-1 or Mathematics 30-2 or Mathematics 31 grade in the calculation of the competitive average.

Applicants with nine to 23 university-level credits must also present a minimum Admission Grade Point Average (AGPA) of 2.0 on a 4.0 scale. Applicants with 24 or more university-level credits will be considered under Previous Post-Secondary Work.

Previous Post-Secondary Work

To be evaluated through the Office of the University Registrar

Admission in this category does not imply or guarantee the transfer of any coursework and/or credential unless a block transfer agreement (internal or external) is in effect and published in the calendar by the Office of the University Registrar. In addition, transfer of coursework does not imply or guarantee that an applicant will be admitted.

Applicants must have successfully completed the following from a recognized institution:

  • A minimum of 24 credits of university-level credits with a minimum Admission Grade Point Average (AGPA) of 2.0 on a 4.0 scale and must have completed the required core courses listed under the Regular or Mature Admission category.

Additional Admission Criteria

All applicants must meet the following:

1. English Language Proficiency

To be evaluated through the Office of the University Registrar

Applicable to All Admission Categories

All applicants must meet an acceptable level of English language proficiency. We will require official documents such as high school or post-secondary transcripts or proof of successful completion of standardized language evaluation. Full details are available in MacEwan University’s academic calendar or online at

2. Spoken English Proficiency

To be evaluated through the Office of the University Registrar

Applicable to All Admission Categories

Applicants who speak English as a second language – regardless of citizenship – are required to submit official documents such as high school, post-secondary transcripts or proof of successful completion of standardized language evaluation. Full details are available in MacEwan University’s academic calendar or online at

3. Other Admission Criteria

To be evaluated through the Office of the University Registrar

Applicable to All Admission Categories

Applicants who have had one or more unsatisfactory academic records from any post-secondary program or institution must meet the admission requirements under the Previous Post-Secondary Work admission category.

Applicants who have two or more unsatisfactory academic records within the past 10 years from any post-secondary program or institution will not be considered for admission or re-admission to the Program until a minimum five years from the date of assignment of the last unsatisfactory record. For the purpose of admission or re-admission, an unsatisfactory record is defined as a transcript with the notation ‘required to withdraw’ or equivalent.

To be evaluated through the Program

Applicable to All Admission Categories

Applicants offered admission to the program are required to present a clear Police Information Check (or equivalent from another policing agency) that includes a Vulnerable Sector Search. The Police Information Check must be submitted by the published document deadline and have been issued within three months of the start of the program intake term.

Conditionally accepted applicants who have had a break in the continuity of their nursing program or who completed a portion of a nursing program through another institution may have to meet additional course requirements to establish course currency and/or course equivalence.

Equity Admissions

The Faculty of Nursing at MacEwan University is committed to facilitating an equitable, diverse, and inclusive educational environment. The Faculty of Nursing recognizes there are underrepresented groups in nursing and nursing education, therefore reserves up to 10% of admission spaces for applicants to the Bachelor of Science in Nursing, who self-identify as Indigenous. MacEwan University defines Indigenous as First Nations, Métis, and Inuit peoples in Canada. 

In order to be considered for admission under the Equity Admission criteria, candidates must still meet the minimum admission criteria for the program.