Academic Calendar

Student Records and Transcripts


MacEwan University utilizes the Alberta Common Grading Scheme for the reporting of final grades in credit courses. All final grades are reported to the Office of the University Registrar using letter grades. Letter grades shall be converted to the four-point grading scale for the calculation of a Grade Point.

Letter Grade Grade Point Value Grade Description
A+ 4.00 Outstanding
A 4.00 Excellent
A- 3.70
B+ 3.30
B 3.00 Good
B- 2.70
C+ 2.30
C 2.00 Satisfactory
C- 1.70
D+ 1.30 Poor
D 1.00
F 0.00 Fail
WF* 0.00 Withdraw Failure

*discontinued, effective the 2015/16 academic year

Grades and Notations Not Included in the GPA Calculations

Grade/Notation Description
AU Audit
CE Course Ended (not applicable to credit courses)
CR Completed Requirements
DEF Deferred
IN Incomplete
IP In Progress (continued next term)
NC Not Completed (not applicable to credit courses)
NCR Not Completed Requirements
S Supplemental Privilege (discontinued, effective the 2021/22 academic year)
SC Successfully Complete (not applicable to credit courses)
TR Transfer Credit
W Withdrawal (without academic penalty)
Probation Academic Standing notation
Required to Withdraw Academic Standing notation

Grade Point Average

Grade Point Value: a number between 0.00 and 4.00 that is assigned to a letter grade.

Grade Points: calculated by multiplying the Grade Point Value by course credits.

Grade Point Average (GPA): a weighted average calculated by dividing the sum of all Grade Points achieved by the sum of all credits with Grade Point Values attempted. GPA is calculated to three decimal points of precision.

Course Grade Grade Point Value Credits Total Grade Points
TPPR 109 In progress - - -
SOCI 100 C+ 2.30 3 6.90
HIST 260 B- 2.70 3 8.10
FREN 111 F 0.00 3 0.00
PSYC 104 W - - -
Total 9 15.00

Term Grade Point Average (Term GPA): calculated by dividing the sum of Grade Points achieved in a term at the university by the sum of all credits with Grade Point Values attempted at the university in that term. A Term GPA is included on the transcript.

Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA): calculated by dividing the sum of total Grade Points achieved at the university by the sum of all credits with Grade Point Values attempted at the university. The CGPA is included on the transcript.

Graduation Grade Point Average (GGPA): calculated by dividing the sum of total Grade Points achieved at the university and counted towards a program credential by the sum of all those credits with Grade Point Values. The GGPA value is not included on the transcript.

Passing Grade: the minimum grade required to earn credit for a course is D (1.00); however, a higher grade may be required in some courses to fulfill program requirements, proceed in a program, meet prerequisites, or transfer a course to another program or institution.

Student performance in a course shall normally be assessed on more than one occasion. No single assessment shall have a value of greater than 50% of the course grade, with the exception of the circumstances listed in the Grading Procedure.

Deferred Exams: Application for a deferred examination must be made using a Deferred Examination Request form no later than two working days after the missed examination (see Student Assessments Policy and Student Deferrals Procedure).

Reassessment of Marks: Students may apply for a reassessment of submitted coursework, as outlined in the university's Grading Procedure.

Former Grading Scales

1990–2004 – No grade of A+

September 1978 to August 1990

Grade Description
A Excellent: 4 Grade Points/Credit
B Very Good: 3 Grade Points/Credit
C Average: 2 Grade Points/Credit
D Low Pass: 1 Grade Point/Credit
CR Completed Requirements: Not Calculated in GPA
I Incomplete: Not Calculated in GPA
W Withdrew: Not Calculated in GPA
F Failure: 0 Grade Points/Credit
AUD Auditor: Not Calculated in GPA
NMR No Mark Received: Not calculated in GPA Hours of Instruction

Academic Standing

MacEwan University is committed to academic success and provides a variety of services to help students achieve their goals. As part of this commitment, the university establishes the standards by which academic success is measured. These criteria are outlined in the university's Academic Standing Policy.

An Academic Standing Year is a 12-month period from May 1–April 30 which defines the regular evaluation period for an Academic Standing review. The results of the Academic Standing review enable the university to recognize academic achievement and address unsatisfactory performance. Students are responsible for monitoring their own progress and for seeking assistance. 

Satisfactory academic standing statuses include:

  • Dean's List
  • First Class Standing
  • Good Standing

Unsatisfactory academic standing statuses include:

  • Academic Probation
  • Required to Withdraw

Unsatisfactory Academic Performance

Students who are placed on Academic Probation or Required to Withdraw are informed by the Office of the University Registrar via their MacEwan student email.

Other considerations include:

  1. A student with a record of excessive withdrawal grades, as determined by the Faculty or School, may be subject to review as per the Academic Standing Policy.
  2. A student's performance in a clinical, field placement, ensemble setting or equivalent learning activity may be reviewed at any time. This review may result in a student being placed on Academic Probation or Required to Withdraw if their performance is deemed inadequate relative to the standards required.
  3. A student's performance may be subject to an administrative review as outlined in the Academic Standing Policy

More information, including conditions of unsatisfactory Academic Standing and options to appeal, is outlined in the Academic Standing Policy.