Academic Calendar

INTD – Interdisciplinary Courses

INTD 105
Interpersonal Communication
3 Credits          Weekly (3-0-0)

This course provides students with the knowledge and skills to communicate effectively with people from diverse backgrounds. Students learn the importance of self-awareness, relationship development, diversity competency, and conflict management as essential skills for the human service professional.

INTD 122
Indigenous People and Justice in Canada
3 Credits          Weekly (3-0-0)

This course offers a critical evaluation of the cultural, historical, and contemporary experiences of Indigenous Peoples of Canada and their relationship with the justice system. It explores the impact of colonization on Indigenous overrepresentation in the criminal justice system, Indigenous approaches to justice, the role of Indigenous practitioners in the justice system, and culturally responsive intervention practices. Note: Students may be required to pay a special fee for a field trip to an Indigenous healing centre.

INTD 200
Disability as an Aspect of Human Diversity
3 Credits          (3-0-0)

This course provides students with an appreciation and understanding of the importance of seeing disability as an integral aspect of human diversity. With a focus on social justice, students gain skills to create communities that foster active citizenship.

INTD 205
Introduction to the Social Determinants of Health
3 Credits          Weekly (3-0-0)

This course introduces students to the social determinants of health. Students will learn about the social, political and economic forces that shape the health of individuals which is central to a deeper awareness of inequities in health. Students will critically examine what determines health, become more cognizant of social inequities in health and will be able to make informed recommendations on improving the health status of diverse populations in Canada.

INTD 208
Introduction to Mental Health Promotion
3 Credits          Weekly (3-0-0)

This course introduces students to the continuum of mental health promotion. Students will learn about mental health as a social determinant of health and how social, political and built environments can foster and/or challenge the health of individuals. Students will identify pathways to mental health promotion via primary, secondary and tertiary prevention. Students will examine mental health promotion policies in order to determine how issues of equity contribute to mental health status and the overall health of individuals.

INTD 210
Global Issues in Public Health
3 Credits          Weekly (3-0-0)

Individual and population health is shaped by local, national, and international historical, sociocultural, economic, and environment factors. These serve as the drivers of public health policy and practice in Canada and around the world. In this course, students will explore in a global context, issues such as health protection and disease, injury prevention, health promotion, health assessment and surveillance, and the response to emergent health crises.

INTD 215
Climate Change and Health
3 Credits          Weekly (3-0-0)

Climate change is not only a phenomenon of the physical environment, it is a significant factor in determining individual and population health and safety. In this course, students will explore the impact of climate change in Canada and in select other regions of the world as an influence on health and on the capacity of health care and emergency response systems to address climate-induced health challenges.

INTD 220
Wicked Problems in Health: Developing Healthy Communities
3 Credits          Weekly (3-0-0)

Societal health issues are complex. In this course, students examine a strategic systems approach to defining difficult problems in public health by exploring the connecting and interacting elements that define the challenge. By examining specific and current issues, students develop the tools needed to understand whole problems beyond a siloed approach and learn the skill of mapping a problem fully as the basis for generating sustainable and viable solutions.

INTD 225
Sport, Development and Peace
3 Credits          Weekly (3-0-0)

Sport can enable, but also disable positive social development. In this course, students will explore the relationships that sport, from local to global contexts, has with social development, with particular emphasis on peace and conflict resolution. The Canadian sport system will be the foundation for analyzing the role that sport can play in constructive social development. Building on this foundation, students will examine other regions of the world, different cultural contexts and the role that sport plays in them.

INTD 228
A Critical Approach to the Business of Sport
3 Credits          Weekly (3-0-0)

Sport whether professional or amateur, major or minor, has aspects of business that underlie its success or failure. In this course, students will explore the ways in which formal sport organizations operate from the perspective of vision, mission, and goals. Revenues and costs, people and culture, and their relationship with the political, economic, and social climate in which they exist will be considered. Both Canadian and international perspectives will be studied.

INTD 230
Working with Sexual and Gender Minority Children and Youth
3 Credits          Weekly (3-0-0)

This course provides students with the knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary to effectively work with and support lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, two-spirit, queer and questioning children and youth in a variety of workplace, educational, and community settings and contexts. Note: Students cannot obtain credit in both SOWK 433 and INTD 230.

INTD 250
Introduction to Indigenous Perspectives
3 Credits          Weekly (3-0-0)

Students engage with the philosophical foundations of Indigenous knowledge, worldviews, and its implications for professional engagement with Indigenous peoples and communities. Through the examination of both historical and contemporary policy, students critically reflect on their own positioning in relation to Indigenous peoples, the ongoing impact of colonialism, and ways to move forward that are in alignment with the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada: Calls to Action. Through self-exploration and introspection, students investigate how their personal values, beliefs and experiences may impact their future practice. Topics explore the importance of language, ceremony, and land in the Indigenous culture and how this can inform professional practice when working with children, youth, and families.